Presidents Week 2008: The first weekend
Shirley brought out her new fiberglass bodied buggy which has been nicknamed the glitter bug.  It is really shiny and has a beautiful paint job. Tara likes it too.
The boys at the campfire.  Diesel thainks he's a lap dog and Tiny tries to adopt the Fords.
On Sunday, we ended up at hill 5!  After a quick break we carefully eased the cars home, hoping to avoid the curse of broken parts there. Except for Walt's transmission mount, we were successful.
Here's a Rhino at the top of hill 5.  No, he didn't drive right up (or down) the hill.
PJ got his new Mendeola installed and it works great.  Jeff and Walt say it still slides pretty well too. :)
Walt, Jeff, and Jerry arrived early enough that they went for a Friday ride to the Boardman memorial flag.
Click here to see the fun continue over Presidents Weekend